Our mission is important!
As a language provider, Salita plays an important role in contributing to inclusion and equality in society. This is a social responsibility that we, as a language provider, take seriously in order to create positive ripple effects for individuals and the society in which we live.

At Salita, diversity and inclusion are part of the company culture. We work actively and strategically to be a workplace that reflects the diversity in society. It is about recognizing and valuing the differences in background, culture, experiences and perspectives that each individual employee brings to the workplace.
At Salita, we have no doubt that diversity enriches working life and the company, as well as society. Be it increased value creation, creativity, innovation and well-being. Not least diversity helps to attract, and retain, talent from all parts of the population.
Member of NHO - Network for language services
NHO Språktjenester is part of the national association NHO Service og Handel, and is a trade association for responsible service businesses in the area of interpreting.
The association represents the private interpreter intermediaries, with extensive experience in the delivery of interpreting services to public and private enterprises. The purpose is to create value and promote quality development and efficient services in collaboration with public authorities and other players in the market.
Environmental lighthouse certification
Environmental lighthouses are the first national scheme in Europe to be recognized by the EU. It is proof that the scheme maintains a high environmental standard and quality in line with international labeling schemes. (EMAS and ISO 14001).
Businesses that are Eco-Lighthouse certified must meet several criteria linked to the UN's sustainability goals in order to contribute to a positive environmental effect. For example: Sustainability Goal 8 on decent work and economic growth and Sustainability Goal 12 on responsible consumption and production.
The certification documents that Salita takes an active responsibility for the environment and sustainable development, and has a focus on materiality, strong management anchoring and good management tools for continuous improvement.
Salita employees should be proud to work in a company that is forward-looking and aware of its environmental and social responsibility.
Our customers and partners should know that Salita thinks about the environment in our everyday work.
Openness and transparency
in 2022, the Openness Act was introduced in Norway and the purpose of the act is that Norwegian companies must work for good working conditions and that the supply chain they use complies with human rights. You can read about it here our last statement.
More info
If you have any questions in connection with Salita's social responsibility, feel free to send us an e-mail or hit the thread.